Topic: What cards did you pull?

So last week I was down to my last $5, and a choice was upon me. First choice being   I play in this next FNM, and the second choice I buy this rtr booster pack that I have in my hand. So I went with what I thought would help me in the long run and so I went with the booster in hand tho for some odd reason I knew I wanted the pack more got home opened it pulled a hallowed fountain went to the back of the pack there was a foil hallowed fountain.
  Needless to say I would take that pack over a fnm game any time.

   Plz post some of the pulls you have pulled

Last edited by Ducky (2014-03-24 06:48:01)

Re: What cards did you pull?

Cool thread idea!

On 20th anniversary day where everybody got 1 free pack of M14 my free pack had a foil Chandra. Pretty good but I got a better one!

In 95 I bought 3 packs of unlimited for $40ea and 1 of them contained 3 uncommons and 12 rares instead of 3 uncommons 1 rare and 11 commons. 3 of those rares were a Lotus a Pearl, and a Chaos Orb. One of the uncommons was Berserk! Pretty sure this contends for best booster pack in the history of the game!

The "every common was a rare" thing was not all that uncommon back then. We had a friend who had only been playing the game for a week in 1994 and decided he really liked it so he bought a box of 3rd edition Revised. (Back then it was pretty rare that somebody would actually buy a full box). Lucky for him he had 3 witnesses to the best "opening" story I know. Every common slot in every pack was a rare instead. 432 rares. He had almost a complete set of dual lands, and for some reason 13 Royal Assassins. We used to joke how he had 3 playsets of Assassins but zero Dark Rituals.

Re: What cards did you pull?

Kinda along the same lines as Ducky, but every now then when the wife and I would go to Target (or Wal-Mart) we pick up and 3 packs and do a "pack war" to see who opened the 3rd. Now mind you when I say "pack war" its where we open the pack, throwout the token and land, shuffle them up and then each of us flips over the top card. Highest Converted Mana Cost win the round. Who ever has has the bigger pile wins the war. (I tried teaching her how to actually play magic and this was closest I think were gonna ever get to her and I playing it the right way.) So we buy 3 RTR packs and go home. We start the "war" and start flipping the cards and she takes a commanding lead, her rare being Nercopolis Regent and mine being Palisade Giant so no win there and Ive given up hope...

Until I flip the last card in the pack...

Foil Deathrite Shaman...

She may have won this battle but I won the WAR smile

Re: What cards did you pull?

Nice about the box of 3rd edition. My fiancee is realy the same exact way but most the time she is the one that pulls the nice things I need.

foil deathrite shaman is an amazing pull also.

Jeep posting cards you have pulled wether its from the past or the now we want to hear stories I will also keep this up to date with cards I pull from packs.

Re: What cards did you pull?

So I got bord today decided yet again I wanted to buy one pack of rtr so I get it im talking to the bager who also plays magic were talking about cards he noticed I got a pack asked me what card do you need I answer I want a temple garden
He than says well today is your lucky day your going to pull it I say Im hopping thats what I pull get home 10 min later open my pack and there it was a temple garden I could have shit myself right there on the spot I got the card not only that I wanted but tje card the guy said I was going to get.

Re: What cards did you pull?

Ducky wrote:

So I got bord today decided yet again I wanted to buy one pack of rtr so I get it im talking to the bager who also plays magic were talking about cards he noticed I got a pack asked me what card do you need I answer I want a temple garden
He than says well today is your lucky day your going to pull it I say Im hopping thats what I pull get home 10 min later open my pack and there it was a temple garden I could have shit myself right there on the spot I got the card not only that I wanted but tje card the guy said I was going to get.

Go back and ask him what booster to get next. Who knows, maybe he is Magic.

(tehe I made a pun!)

Re: What cards did you pull?

I was at my LGS and we were playing a commander/EDH tourney. I got knocked out of the game so I went up front to get a pop. I forgot I didn't have cash, so I bought a pack of Theros so I could put it on my card. Open the pack, Thoughtseize! Awesome! Oh wait, there's a foil in back! Elspeth, Sun's Champion. That made my November.

Re: What cards did you pull?

100000644413903 wrote:

I was at my LGS and we were playing a commander/EDH tourney. I got knocked out of the game so I went up front to get a pop. I forgot I didn't have cash, so I bought a pack of Theros so I could put it on my card. Open the pack, Thoughtseize! Awesome! Oh wait, there's a foil in back! Elspeth, Sun's Champion. That made my November.

This is the best pack opening, not the best can of pop opening. lol

Nice pull!

Re: What cards did you pull?

Nice pull.
Got a pack pulled mana bloom worst pull for me ever.


Re: What cards did you pull?

Ducky wrote:

Nice pull.
Got a pack pulled mana bloom worst pull for me ever.

I have a buddy who put four of those into a deck based around "whenever you cast an enchantment" effects. He slaughtered me.

Re: What cards did you pull?

Back when 7th edition was just released me and a friend went into FYE at the mall looking at CD's and video games.  We come across their limited MTG area and noticed that the booster packs were mislabeled for $0.50.  We each got a box for $18.

Last edited by Paul_K (2014-03-27 15:20:09)

Re: What cards did you pull?

That is an awesome mistake in ur favor nice.

Re: What cards did you pull?

My husband and I were opening a box of BotG. We were opening .10 rares one after the other. He told me I needed to be more positive. He picked up a packed and said this has a Brimaz. I replied with yeah right a foil. Sure enough he opened it up and there was a foil Brimaz. 3 packs later, I pulled another Brimaz. +1 for positive thinking

Re: What cards did you pull?

Cracked a box of M14 last evening.
paid $100 for the box, covered all expenses in rares alone. 

Here's the list of rares and uncommon I pulled.