Topic: Suggestion: On Loan or Loaned

I would love to see a feature added where I can track the cards I have loaned out to friends, and cards I am currently loaning from friends. I have a bunch of people who play around me, and loaning is how we manage to play standard. The problem comes when we are trying to get cards back later. Having a quick reference on here to be like, these are the cards I have lent would be super helpful!

Last edited by PerfectDark64 (2014-04-03 06:16:10)

Re: Suggestion: On Loan or Loaned

An easy way to do that is to start a Local trade with that friend and put the cards you're loaning them in the trade. As long as neither of you finish/accept the trade, you have your list and your inventory does not change.

Re: Suggestion: On Loan or Loaned

Interesting, I will definitely use this in the short term, thanks for the suggestion