Topic: Want: Bulk Rares and Foils

Hey y'all,
I'm working on a little personal project (The Rare(ish) Box!), and I need to expand my collection of bulk rares and foils to sort of kickstart it.  I'm sure some of you guys who've been around the game for a long ass time have plenty of cruft built up in your collections, and I hope that this functions as an out.

I've done a little bit of digging about the intertubes, and there are a number of ways to acquire rares en masse, but generally that runs .20-.25 per card.  That's a bit more than I'm willing to spend for this project, so I'm reaching out to the deckbox community hoping to find some goodness.

I'm happy to pay cash ($.15) per card, or even work it in a trade (feel free to check my tradelist).

If you're interested, send me a PM, and I'd be willing to bet that we can work a mutually-beneficial deal.

Many thanks y'all!