Topic: Bug: can't log in

Hey guys.

I'm on my laptop right now using Chrome. On the first page when I click Log in, the drop down with the user name and the password does not appear. The address bar turns into

It does the same in Firefox. MY IE is really old an not up to date, but it works fine there, I can log in normally.

However, if I click Forums, I am logged in automatically into the forums. Then if I click my profile and go to deckbox profile, I am logged out again.


Re: Bug: can't log in

Sounds like you have javascript disabled in chrome and Firefox. Under firefox settings you should have a tab called "Contents" or similar and then a checkbox there to activate javascripts. Make sure that if you have NoScript added that you allow to use javascripts.

It might solve your issue.

Re: Bug: can't log in

Why would I ever disable my JavaScript?!

In any case, I checked in both Chrome and FF: it was enabled all along. So that's not it.

Re: Bug: can't log in

Kargha suggested you maybe disabled your javascript because the dropdown with username and password is actually present in the page, only javascript is used to display it. Really weird that it does not show for you.

I'm not really sure how to debug this problem...

One quick thing you might try would be in Chrome, to enable View -> Developer -> Javascript Console. Then with it open click on login, see if you get any error messages or warning in that console, and send them to us.

P.S. Being logged in on the forum and not on the website is possible and normal sometimes (even if it should not really happen often, and is mostly a side effect of an error -  like in your case).

Re: Bug: can't log in

Asta apare când intru pe pagină

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

Uncaught ReferenceError: Tcg is not defined

Uncaught TypeError: Object function Element() { [native code] } has no method 'observe'

Asta apare când apăs Login

Uncaught ReferenceError: Tcg is not defined

Re: Bug: can't log in

Looks like some javascript files are not loaded for some reason... not really sure what is happening there. Clearing browser cache and refreshing does not help?