Topic: Bant Control?

This is a deck idea I threw together after Ajani, Mentor of Heroes was spoiled. It's still in the works (plus some cards aren't even released for it yet) but I would like to get opinions on it (as well as how to fix the mana, even though there is ramp to help a bit.)

2 Ajani(3GW), 2 kiora(2GU), 2 godsend(1WW), 3 cyclonic rift(1U), 3 prophets(3GU), 3 coursers(1GG), 4 dissolve(1UU), 3 plasm capture(GGUU), 2 elspeth(4WW), 4 elvish mystics(G), 3 sylvan caryatids(1G), 3 sphinx's rev(XWUU), 3 supreme verd(1WWU), 3 d-sphere(1WU)

3 island, 6 forest, 3 plains, 4 temple of mystery, 4 temple of plenty

EDIT: Decided to remove the Sage of Heroes and Spear of Heliods

EDIT: Slapped the deck (Minus the Ajanis and Godsends) together here:

Last edited by Ookamirozu (2014-04-09 09:30:52)

Re: Bant Control?

I'm just not seeing where/how it gets the job done.  If the win-con is just Elspeth or Kiora tokens, why would you need the new Ajani in there?  Sure, he can dig a bit, but you already have Sphinx's Revelation to help you crap card advantage.  With so few creatures (Caryatid being a defender no less) Ajani's first +1 would be largely useless.  His second +1 would net you what?  Dig four cards to grab another PW?  And his ultimate would be nice, but it strikes me as not in the same vein as what you're looking for.

I think the new Ajani will fit much better into more creature-based builds as his second +1 is much akin to Garruk, Caller of Beasts' +1.

Maybe it's the fact I'm much more of an aggro-mid-range player, but I just don't see where this is any better than just straight U/W or Esper control.

Re: Bant Control?

Well it's more of I want to see if this works or if it bombs, because in my head (seeing as Prophets, Coursers and Elvish Mystics are also creatures) this seems like it will work very well because I'm basically taking most of my Simic and using it as the base for this Bant Control idea I had after Ajani got spoiled yesterday. Because if it works, then it might start doing well in Standard (at least on an FNM level, I'm not good enough to build decks that will win even 1 round at a Grand Prix) but criticism is helpful, no matter how it sounds like it's being given.

Re: Bant Control?

Okay, so I guess the first question would be, what exactly is your win-con outside of Elspeth? 

Prophet of Kruphix is great and all, but it really only shines when you're using the untaps and flash to play other creatures that will actually affect the board-state and potentially bring you the victory - think Sylvan Primordial, Arbor Colossus, Prime Speaker Zegana, Polukranos, Aetherling, even Angel of Serenity, etc.  As you're currently constructed the opponent can really just hang out while your two power creatures don't do a whole lot.

Sure, Ajani and Kiora give you alternate win-cons either through pumps or trying to get Krakens out, but I don't know that you're really sitting on the strongest strategy as a few well timed counters/PW removals and you're SOL.

You're also making some pretty heavy handed mana requirements in terms of colored symbols without any shocks.  Think, Plasm Capture and Supreme Verdict are both spells you would like to have at your disposal come T4, yet, their VASTLY different colored requirements are going to drop your consistency to almost nothing.  At the very least you would want 2-3 Chromatic Lantern or Sylvan Caryatid to try and fix the mana.

I'm not trying to be the super downer, I just think that Ajani will be MUCH better suited in a more solidly W/g or W/G build.  Think mono-white mid-range with him as a finisher with Elspeth or even a pure Selesnya or Junk midrange, where he pairs up with Fleecemane Lion, Advent of the Wurm, Reaper of the Wilds, Blood Baron, Obzedat, and things of that nature.

Someone might prove me wrong, but I don't see him working in a control build.  Now if you want a more creature-centric bant build, with him, Kiora, and Elspeth, that might work - but you're going to have to move away from a control setup toward something a bit more mid-range to really get the job done.