Topic: Advice on Spellheart Chimera Deck

Here is the first draft of a Spellheart deck I came up with. Looking for advice on which sorcery and instant cards may be better. I like the side benefits of scry and "put the rest into graveyard".

Re: Advice on Spellheart Chimera Deck

I'm going to guess this is restricted to standard play, a low budget, and mostly casual environments?

The more guidance you can offer us, the more likely it is that we can give you constructive feedback.

As a side note, Steam Augury would probably serve you well given that it is instant speed, gives you card advantage, and potentially dumps instants/sorceries into the yard to pump the Chimeras.  The same can be said of Izzet Charm and Wild Guess (not an instant, but the same sort of draw and discard effect).

Re: Advice on Spellheart Chimera Deck

Yes its for standard, casual, but the decks these guys make are not easy to combat. Thanks for the card suggestions.

Updated it, removed spark jolt, sudden storm and divination, in favor of those you recommended.

I like it more. Thanks again!

Last edited by 583000646 (2014-04-10 04:43:23)