Topic: Out of Country Trading Filter

As, a Canadian trader, I often have more limited trading opportunities through Deckbox. Many users live in the continental USA and restrict their trading to it. This is completely understandable and reasonable on their part.

However, I have often traded with people who's profile indicated "My Country" even though I am not in their country, and who could only be found through forums. Since the options for location in the Trading Opportunities are only by City, Country, Continent or Worldwide, I can't find users whose settings are "My Country", being outside of Canada, but are willing to ship to Canada.

Now, I know that the obvious response would be along the lines of "They must have set their profiles to 'My Country' for a reason", but many users with such a setting are okay trading outside their countries.

I think it would be much more helpful to have the option in the filters to find such users. This was actually possible before the 2.1 release (? I think it was that update) and made trading simpler for users in a similar situation. At best, this would allow many more satisfied users and at worst, the trading partners just have a quick chat like

"I'm in Canada, is that okay?"
"I'd rather trade within my country"
"Oh ok, that's fine"
-Cancel trade-

(Which happens in many trades anyways)

So can we institute some kind of filter in the Trading Opportunities to address this?

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