Re: Upcoming features

Hello Sebi and team

Really appreciate the effort you put into this site.

I would like to make a small suggestion maybe in the future you can implement it into the site.

Right now I cannot find a site or way that keeps a centralized track of decks that do well in Magic Online. What I would like is a a section to the site that do that.

Maybe something like parse the Magic Online site and centralize the results by format, deck archetype and ranking. I can imagine the second one is a bit hard to do but maybe centralize them by colors used in making the deck or making a list of cards that are the backbone of the deck and compare the deck to that list and if like 80% match then the deck is included in that archetype.

I think this will help in metagame analysis and can help predict prices for cards.

Thank you, again, for this amazing site.

Best regards