Topic: Bug report - incorrect behavior of inventory columns setting

Problem description:

I have set inventory columns options to minimum (it should show just columns with name and description). When entering inventory list it works as it should but when I try to edit details for any card in popup dialog box and click "apply" (even if no changes were made) columns setting is changed to show "name", "details", "type" and "cost". Columns setting drop-down list shows those last two options selected. Reentering inventory or changing inventory page resets this back to values set by me. Same problem occurs when columns visibility is set to different combinations.

Verified with browsers:
- chrome 36.0.1941.0 dev-m
- opera 12.16.1860

In case of problems with reproduction of buggy behavior I can provide some help.

Re: Bug report - incorrect behavior of inventory columns setting

yeah this happens to me too. The list seems to revert to the default settings vs what is picked in our actual setting. not a huge problem but a behavior bug for sure.


H: Tradelist | W: Standard cards on my wishlist
- The higher number on my want list the more I want it!

Re: Bug report - incorrect behavior of inventory columns setting

Fixed, thanks for reporting.