Topic: Show price + shipping for market items?

Feature request when looking at card prices, can the price + shipping price be displayed instead of just the cost of the card?

Or could the shipping cost be in parenthesis next to the card?  For example $4.00 (+$0.99 shipping)?

The problem i'm running into is what used to happen on ebay and currently happens on amazon marketplace: Someone has a card for a great price only to find they have a ridiculous shipping cost.  Currently the only way to see cost + shipping is to add it to cart, then go to the cart, choose the address, and then choose the shipping option.


Re: Show price + shipping for market items?

Yep, we're adding this for the next release!

Re: Show price + shipping for market items?

sebi wrote:

Yep, we're adding this for the next release!

Great, thank you!