Topic: AutocardAnywhere messes up deck list (and many other places)
As the title says, the Chrome plugin AutucardAnywhere will mess up the list of decks if any of them have a card in the name of the deck. For instance, I have decks with the cards Library of Leng, Melek, Vorel, Uril, and Omnath in the name of the deck and because of this the links to my decks are replaced with links to the card and the links to my other decks are disabled. This is due to the recent update to the plugin.
To fix (95% sure)
1) Select AutocardAnywhere in the upper-right of your browser,
2) click the options button
3) Select the Links tab
4) Uncheck "Add popups to existing card links"
This option was present before the update, but now it's just in a different spot.