Topic: W: Manaless Dredge (including commons, uncommons) H: Tradelist

I would like to trade for a lot of manaless dredge cards, including 4 cabal therapy and 1 ichorid. If a set is listed, I want a card from that set. Otherwise, I'm indifferent between sets. I would also like to trade for an Azusa to complete a deck.

I am not interested in foil versions of the cards.

I am happy to trade down to acquire the cards. If you offer a trade where value in Deckbox trade dollars is equal, I will probably accept it.

In addition, I am willing to trade for Ichorid at 17/14/10, and Cabal Therapy (Judgement) at 18/14/10 deckbox dollars for NM/Good/Played cards.

Please start up a trade if you're interested.

Edit: No longer need Azusa

Last edited by dafrk3in (2014-05-02 17:25:19)

Re: W: Manaless Dredge (including commons, uncommons) H: Tradelist

I have most of the LED version  (only money cards being 4x ochorid). Which cards do you need?

Re: W: Manaless Dredge (including commons, uncommons) H: Tradelist

They're all listed on my wishlist