Topic: Export issues...nothing happens

So, I got all my cards in and I would like to have a local copy, so I went through the Export process.

I selected my additional columns and pressed the Export button.  It spins for about 10 seconds and that's it.  It never asks for a file name, where to save, or anything.  I checked my documents and download folders, and even searched for any files recently modified, but couldn't find anything that fits.

Is it supposed to give me a choice of formats or where to save the export?

I thought maybe Firefox was just being stupid, so I tried it in IE and Chrome and got the same behavior.  I checked the forums and it doesn't appear anyone else is reporting this issue, nor are their any FAQ pertaining to how the export works.

What am I missing?


Re: Export issues...nothing happens

Of course, the ~12 time I tried it, suddenly it works.

It may have been related to the slowness of the site tonight.  Many times I got a "under a heavy load" message when trying to load the site.

Disregard my issue.


Re: Export issues...nothing happens

Yep, sorry for the issues, some export processes crashed and we had some load problems on our application server. Looking into it.