Topic: Bant Pod

This is the deck I'm helping my wife build and I'm looking for suggestions to shore this up outside of all the "pretty" cards she picked. Any thoughts on how to make this thing better? I was thinking more cards with Enter The Battlefield abilities but what?

Re: Bant Pod

1. What is the general idea behind this deck? It seems somewhat unfocused.
2. What is the approximate budget?

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
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Re: Bant Pod

1) Speaking generally, my wife would say the idea is to kick my ass with a girly deck but outside of that, I've no idea. It does seem a bit cluttered and unfocused as you say, with no definitive win-con. We're both relatively new to the game (I played back in the mid 90's, quit, then picked it up again about 6 months ago) so deck building has been a fun trial. After slapping some simple decks together I was looking to do something with a bit more of a challenge.

2) Budget is pretty much anything goes but I want to stick to Modern cards.

Re: Bant Pod

Some thoughts:
-I would add Spike Feeder for an infinite combo with Archangel of Thune.
-Removing counterspells would be a good idea since Birthing Pod requires a mass of creatures to be consistent.
-Good value creatures like Kitchen Finks let you pod the same creatures multiple times and you can pod the finks into Restoration Angel which can blink the Kitchen Finks.
-If the plan is to go big mana with something like Prophet of Kruphixand Kruphix, God of Horizons then Sphinx's Revelation is the best bet to draw a good portion of the deck and just get an inifinite combo off.
-Creatures with cmc of greater than 5 are probably not necessary and cards like Geist of Saint Traft don't fit into Birthing Pod lists because those creatures aren't something you would want to pod away. You could put Blade Splicer in its location and pod away the 1/1 while keeping the 3/3 token.

GL on the deck.

Re: Bant Pod

Excellent suggestions, thank you so much!