Topic: [Standard] BUG Control

I have been working on this for a few weeks now, getting it prepared to go to SCG States this weekend.  After a couple of theorycrafting sessions with a few players, I think it's finally ready.  This week I will be playtesting hard against Bg Devo, RW Burn, and Brave Naya.

Any constructive criticism before I sleeve it up?

Re: [Standard] BUG Control

You're likely going to run into a wealth of U/W/x control decks, mono-black, and potentially even mono-blue.  Make sure those match-ups are at least workable.

Re: [Standard] BUG Control

Counterspells seem just worse than running Thoughtseize because if you plan to cast Brain Maggot on curve, then you need to clear the way with discard first. Imagine it like running Tidehollow Sculler in Dead Guy Ale. You should not worry about your opponent resolving spells and just rely on removal and Thoughtseize to get rid of potential threats. Your suite of planeswalkers will take over the game with value if you just give them a path early game and use them to win the game.