Topic: Cheating Angels
Tell me how bad this is...Im new to Modern

The idea is to start pooping angels by turn 3-4. Have 2 ways to do it:
  1.  T1 Birds of Paradise , T2 Morphed Akroma, Angel of Fury , T3 Cloudshift or Restoration Angel
  2.  T1 Birds of Paradise, T2 Woodland Changeling / Mutavault, T3 Descendants Path, T4 start flopping angels off top of library

I just built it and Id like some criticism... I dont intend for it to be a "Tier 1" deck, but Id like it to be mildly competitive and fun to play at least. Is there any way to make Descendants' Path faster/better? Currently, I find the T2 morphed Akroma, Angel of Fury T3 Cloudshift or Restoration Angel is great to start the ball rolling - which happens often enough, but when it doesnt happen Im left hoping for a Descendants' Path and a Woodland Changeling or Mutavault to get rolling.

I feel like I need a 3rd way to cheat an angel into play by T3-4...any ideas?

Ive been considering adding Rebuff the Wicked to protect angels and/or Descendants' Path , but is that really necessary? And how common are "target opponent sacrifices a creature effects" in Modern?