Topic: potential bad trade?

I am currently in a trade, and this guy (not naming yet) is not sending like he said he would.
When our trade was agree upon he said he'll send soon (monday), and its been 5 days he still hasn't send.

There was some activities and responds he is giving me, raising red flags:
1) he claims one of the cards i ask for apparently disappear and that was his reason for delaying his send (wednesday). I checked his inventory, he had 3 listed. he couldn't send me his other ones?
2) the next day (thursday) he clear out his inventory and it startle me, so i told him about it. he re-listed them and told me he's updating.
3) i checked his current trade that he has going on where all his others end have send, but him.
4) i also notice one of his current trade he got scammed, this is making me think he is doing it to others.

lucky i have tracking, and i called the post office to hold my mail before it got to him. i have monday to fill out this paper for a recall mail and have it send back to me. i haven't told him about my action yet because i dont want to ruin our trade, he did made over 100 trade so im giving him the benefit of the doubt. our last communication was that he told me he'll have it mail out friday, and nothing yet.

i know this doesn't consider a BTR yet since it haven't been 7 days with no communication.
i need some advice here, should i let my mail go through and potentially lose my cards and deal with filing mail fraud? does filing mail fraud even help get your cards back? i asking cause i never been in that situation and i'm curious about it. what would you guys do in this situation? i am unease.

Last edited by MidNight12 (2014-07-19 16:19:46)