Topic: rarity filter doesn't just show cards owned with that rarity

When I filter for cards with a Rarity of "Special" I get cards that were printed with that rarity even if the copies I own do not have that rarity.

For example, Tromokratis is a promo card from the Born of Gods Launch Party. But it's also a a regular rare. And when I apply the special rarity filter I see both copies instead of just the promo version.

If you want the rarity feature to show cards that were printed with a certain rarity, regardless of whether or not the copy you own has that rarity, maybe there should be two different rarity fields just as there are two different edition fields (ie. edition printed in vs. edition owned in)

Re: rarity filter doesn't just show cards owned with that rarity

+1. Sometimes I'm interested in seeing, say, the cheapest rares in my collection. So I filter by Rarity = Rare and then sort by Price: Lowest, and instead of what I'm looking for, I get a bunch of uncommon cards from my inventory that were previously printed as rares.