Topic: looking for help with my new standard

Hey all, i have been playing for a few months now. Been loving edh, and mostly play fnm and kitchen table, but id love to try to get into standard, as it seems a little more competitive. Im posting to ask for help with my standard black and green deck. what are some budget options i could use to improve this deck?

Re: looking for help with my new standard

not standard legal. There are m14 cards in it. Need Urborg, Tomb of Yagmoth.

Re: looking for help with my new standard

Actually, m14 is standard legal until Khans comes out around the end of September.  However, if this is something you don't want to tweak again in just a little over a month, then you might start thinking now what cards you would want instead.
I plan on keeping my M14 cards in until the new rotation and get every bit of use out of them I can smile
Maybe add Bile blight?  (There have been a few 1/1 death touch swarming in the games at my cardshop!)
Good luck!

Re: looking for help with my new standard

For budget friendly,

Phyrexian Revoker : Nullify any activated abilities, planeswalker for example

Silence The Believer : exile one or more target creature.  4+ mana

Indulgent tormentor :  every turn enemy lose 3 life or you get one more card to draw, and this demon can fly...

Phytotitan : recurring beater

Last edited by ubr (2014-08-14 11:27:09)

Re: looking for help with my new standard

I agree with putting in Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth.
Also, maybe a small amount more of removal like bile blight or dark betrayal.
I don't know if I just didn't pick up on it, but I also didn't really see a theme that you were focusing on in the deck. I saw the festering newt, bogbrew, and cauldron combo, but I didn't see how some of the other cards were fitting into it, but it could have just been me.