Topic: EDH Feedback

Hello, I am building an EDH deck, and I would like your feedback. Here are the cards:
17    Forest
23    Plains
1    Seraph Sanctuary
2    Avacyn's Pilgrim
1    Bladed Bracers
1    Cathedral Sanctifier
1    Scroll of Avacyn
1    Ajani's Pridemate
1    Akroan Skyguard
2    Angelic Wall
2    Bonds of Faith
1    Celestial Flare
1    Divine Favor
2    Font of Vigor
1    Gather the Townsfolk
1    Glorious Charge
1    Nearheath Pilgrim
4    Pacifism
3    Serra Avenger
1    Titanic Growth
1    Attended Knight
1    Chapel Geist
2    Crusader of Odric
1    Emancipation Angel
1    Safe Passage
1    Angelic Accord
1    Angelic Benediction
2    Divine Verdict
1    Elgaud Inquisitor
1    Heliod, God of the Sun
2    Seraph of Dawn
1    Sublime Archangel
1    Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
1    Commander's Authority
2    Defy Death
1    Geist Trappers
2    Serra Angel
1    Sigarda, Host of Herons
1    Wildwood Geist
1    Aegis Angel
1    Planar Cleansing
1    Voice of the Provinces
1    Archangel
1    Devout Invocation
1    Risen Sanctuary
1    Touch of the Eternal
2    Trostani's Summoner

Oh, I am a huge noob at this, so don't be mean
Thanks for the help!

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Re: EDH Feedback

So, you already broke the first rule of EDH and played with multiples... You can't play more than one of any non-basic land.

You also have to chose a legendary creature to use as your general.

Honestly, I.. I just don't know where to begin teaching you about the format--So I'll let somebody else do it for me. Bennie Smith has a fantastic article series on (and they're all free) about playing commander. He also has a great couple of primers to help you get into the format. … art_1.html … art_2.html … art_3.html

read these three articles before trying to build another deck. He also has some great suggestions for cheap cards to pick up to power your EDH decks. It looks like you're trying to play GW, and that's a fantastic color to start with--there are a lot of good GW EDH cards that have been printed lately.

Re: EDH Feedback

Please see the sticky at the top of this forum pertaining to EDH.