Topic: Autocomplete in search functionality

Recently, I noticed that the search in collection tool has been updated. The name field now performs autocomplete and to be honest I don't think that's an upgrade. Let me explain:

I sometimes search for cards in my own collection. It's extensive enough to not know it by heart, but small enough to be able to search through with small parts of a card name. Today, I wanted to check my tradelist ( for Reaper of the Wilds. What I'd always do in these cases is go to the right page, hit 'f', type part of the name ("Reaper") in this case and hit enter. Before the update, this would result in finding all cards with "Reaper" in the name, now the autocomplete behaviour makes it search for "Reaper from the Abyss".

While I think the autocomplete is a neat idea, I think it interferes with quick searches. I suggest only searching for whatever was entered in the text field if one hits the "enter"-key, while searching for a full card name when one clicks (or scrolls to with the arrow keys) on the autocomplete name.

> Trading with anyone in Europe!

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

You can still press Esc after typing Reaper, and then click on search. That way it will behave just like it did before.

I suppose that's not intuitive, though?

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

I know I would prefer it the way Rainar described. Have the auto-complete items listed underneath the search field as they are now, but not automatically selected.

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

sebi wrote:

You can still press Esc after typing Reaper, and then click on search. That way it will behave just like it did before.

I suppose that's not intuitive, though?

Well, not for me. I just loved how fast the search was the way it was and now I have to move my hand to a part of the keyboard it almost never gets to.
I guess I could get used to it, but it will bite me a couple of times before that.

edit: typo.

Last edited by Rainar (2014-09-02 14:06:22)

> Trading with anyone in Europe!

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

Kammikaze wrote:

I know I would prefer it the way Rainar described. Have the auto-complete items listed underneath the search field as they are now, but not automatically selected.

But that would be a different behavior than all the other autocompleters on the website...  Also you cannot use the arrow keys in the autocompleter if it's not responding to Enter either...

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

I thought it'd be helpful, I know I don't exactly know card names usually and and guessing around with the autocompleter helps me.

But I guess I can take it out again, just leave the field simple as before if you guys do not prefer this.

Last edited by sebi (2014-09-02 14:07:34)

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

sebi wrote:
Kammikaze wrote:

I know I would prefer it the way Rainar described. Have the auto-complete items listed underneath the search field as they are now, but not automatically selected.

But that would be a different behavior than all the other autocompleters on the website...  Also you cannot use the arrow keys in the autocompleter if it's not responding to Enter either...

The functionality of the buttons wouldn't have to change at all. The only thing that would need to be changed is that the top item of the auto-complete list not be selected.

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

Kammikaze wrote:

The functionality of the buttons wouldn't have to change at all. The only thing that would need to be changed is that the top item of the auto-complete list not be selected.

As I said, that's not intuitive at all, no autocompleter on this website, or in any tool I know behaves like that... people like it to be selected if it appears, and to be able to navigate it with the arrow keys, so you do not have to put your hand back on the mouse.

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

sebi wrote:

As I said, that's not intuitive at all, no autocompleter on this website, or in any tool I know behaves like that... people like it to be selected if it appears, and to be able to navigate it with the arrow keys, so you do not have to put your hand back on the mouse.

Perhaps we're not communicating correctly, but I've never seen an auto-completer behave the way that I think you're describing. Take Gatherer as an example. If I type "Reaper" into the search field the auto-complete list shows up beneath the search field, but none of the items are selected. At this point I can simply hit Enter and search for "Reaper" or I can use the arrows (or the mouse) to navigate the auto-complete list then hit enter when the one I want is selected.

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

Kammikaze wrote:
sebi wrote:

As I said, that's not intuitive at all, no autocompleter on this website, or in any tool I know behaves like that... people like it to be selected if it appears, and to be able to navigate it with the arrow keys, so you do not have to put your hand back on the mouse.

Perhaps we're not communicating correctly, but I've never seen an auto-completer behave the way that I think you're describing. Take Gatherer as an example. If I type "Reaper" into the search field the auto-complete list shows up beneath the search field, but none of the items are selected. At this point I can simply hit Enter and search for "Reaper" or I can use the arrows (or the mouse) to navigate the auto-complete list then hit enter when the one I want is selected.

I second this. Any other website I frequent has this behaviour (That is, our LGS's website and Gatherer) Kammikaze proposes. It is also fully how I'd expect it to work. I've always found the autocompleter for adding cards to my collection somewhat counter intuitive.

> Trading with anyone in Europe!

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

I see what you mean now Kammikaze. I'll think about this...

I still feel it would behave differently than the other card autocompleters here and it would be non-intuitive. I know for myself (as a user, not a developer), I expect the same thing to happen always when I type in an autocompleted input and then press enter quickly.

And mostly what I want is that it selects the first thing I see there. Because that's the point of it, to make the flow quicker.

Again, I say this as a user, what I expect from these widgets to do.

Rainar wrote:

I've always found the autocompleter for adding cards to my collection somewhat counter intuitive.

I'm not sure I understand... would you want the add-to-collection to ALSO not select the first option? I think that would make everything much much slower... you have to click again or press an arrow for EACH card you add? Or what would enter actually do then if you just type mountain and press enter?

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

sebi wrote:

I'm not sure I understand... would you want the add-to-collection to ALSO not select the first option? I think that would make everything much much slower... you have to click again or press an arrow for EACH card you add? Or what would enter actually do then if you just type mountain and press enter?

I'm just saying it felt counter intuitive, that doesn't mean I even can propose another solution that feels better. I think the reason it felt counter intuitive is because it behaves different compared to the other locations I get to use autocomplete for magic cards.

And now that I'm thinking about it, I do think the autocomplete for add-to-collection has fine behavior, it used to be a bit slow in updating the autocompletion, making hitting enter having awkward results, but that seems to be solved.

Compiling these thoughts, I think it makes a lot of sense to have different (but overall quite similar!) precise functionality for these autocompleters. What you could do to combine the two neatly, is to have the typed text as an (preselected) option in the dropdown list created by the autocomplete. Including this option in the list could then depend on the exact function (eg the quick search vs the add-to-collection).

> Trading with anyone in Europe!

Re: Autocomplete in search functionality

I see your point, perhaps you're right. I'll try it out a bit to see how it feels and maybe deploy it tomorrow with your & Kammikazes' suggested behavior.