Topic: need some help with my black vampire deck

Im still really new to mtg and i have made several decks that work ok but i was wondering is there anything i could change or add to make it better

Last edited by kathirene89 (2014-09-03 05:33:23)

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Re: need some help with my black vampire deck

Looks pretty good.
Just as a tip, next time post a link to the deck (which is located here).

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
My Wishlist | Featured Deck

Re: need some help with my black vampire deck

Sorry i thought i had a link up sad it shows i do from my end i dunno what happened

Last edited by kathirene89 (2014-09-03 05:44:16)

Re: need some help with my black vampire deck

You linked to a picture of the decklist, when you can more easily just link us to the page directly.