Topic: W: Temples, Theros block staples H: Lots

I have been out of standard (and trading!) for the entirety of Theros block and I'd like to be ready to play when Khans hits. I'd really like to get ahold of some staples I'm missing to do so.

My primary concerns are getting 1-2 playsets of:
All temples
Mana confluence
Soldier of the Pantheon
Courser of Kruphix

Also want:
Sylvan Caryatid
Keranos, God of Storms
Jace, the Living Guildpact
Hero's Downfall
Boon Satyr
Fleecemane Lion
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Snapcaster Mage

I have a lot of older cards, but would prefer not to trade older / higher value things down unless I get a good deal.

Thanks and happy trading!

Re: W: Temples, Theros block staples H: Lots

I have a lot of what you want.

Shoot me a trade and we'll work something out smile

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: W: Temples, Theros block staples H: Lots

Bump. Still looking for most of this stuff!

Re: W: Temples, Theros block staples H: Lots

Got about half of the temples I need. Still need most everything on this list. Feel free to check my inventory as well. I may trade down if offered a decent deal.

Re: W: Temples, Theros block staples H: Lots

Sent a prelim offer your way.  It's not complete, but just wanted to see if you'd want to pursue more.