Topic: Trade display

Is it possible to have a trade list displayed with different options?  I really like to show what is in a trade by version the alphabetically.  I see you have changed it to default to everything alphabetically, but that is really difficult in tracking what is in a trade when you have larger trades.


Re: Trade display

Yep, I could try to do sortable headers there. I also thought of showing a column with a date & time when the card was added to a trade, so you can sort by that too, but we're running out of space there... and I don't really want to have to put the tables one under the other, it is much better side by side...

Will think about this. Ideas welcome as usual.

Re: Trade display

It would be great if the trade page also included the Trading Opportunities list for the two users involved.  Maybe at the bottom of the page?

Re: Trade display

I never even thought of the time stamp of the addition of the card to the trade!  Could you also keep a log of transactions of the trade?  I am not sure how that would make the screen look, but it always bugs me when the list I keep independant of the deckbox trade does not match up and I need to search the entire trade to see what was re-configured.  Before any changes would just pop the new trade change to the top, but now with the alphabetic nature of the trade I lose site of any quantities that have changed.  It would also be nice to see if the other trader removed a card, I know there were a couple of trades I thought I was getting a card that I wanted but I missed that the trader removed it before I could notice.

Re: Trade display

Also another thing if I could ask, a total count of cards at the bottom?  I run a spreadsheet along side my trades, and I like to validate I have the right numbers of cards in larger trades, and I would like to reference the totals in deckbox and my spreadsheet. 

Granted, I could have two card selections mixed up and still get the same total count, but I can deal with that.

Re: Trade display

Not too sure about a transaction log, that'd be a bit more work. Writing it down with low-prio for now.

But total number of cards is definitely nice to have, i'll add that for next release.