Topic: Tradelist Bugs

1. Removing the price (select, hit delete, hit enter) of a card doesn't seem to work. The price is set to N/A immediately, but $0 afterwards (e.g. reload page). Removing and re-adding the card to tradelist as workaround.

2. It seems that mass price cards (% market value method) will use non-foil price if it doesn't have a price for the foil version. Is this true or was what I saw an isolated case where the foil version had the wrong (nonfoil) price? (Saw with Foil Unhinged Basic Land. Reported in pricing thread)

3. Setting a price using the price column where the price begins with a decimal (e.g. ".99") does not work. Requires the zero in front (e.g. "0.99"). (IMO a bug, but maybe a feature request)

Re: Tradelist Bugs

1 & 3 fixed now.

I'll take a closer look at the Unhinged Basic Land case too, but the % market price tool takes whatever the market price is for the foil as a reference. If the price is off (or just based on the non-foil price), then it indeed takes that.

Re: Tradelist Bugs

Awesome turnaround! Verified 1 & 3 fixed.