Topic: purchasing issue

when i am looking at a person's list of cards that match my wish list for purchase and there is more than one page, i click on page 2 and it does not go to page 2 it reloads and says this person does not sell cards on  you wish list, and gives me cards i may be interested in.  Then if i reload the page it goes back to the first page with there cards for purchase that match my wish list with page 1. 

can it go back to not having pages, it was so much better not having to look through sometimes 4 pages of cards instead of one long list.

Re: purchasing issue

On which profile does this happen to you? Seems to work for me.

I do understand that pagination there is not well liked... but we definitely can not just have all of them load from the beginning, when I go to an account with many cards like , I have 11 pages of stuff...

One thing I thought of and will try though is an "infinite list" type table, where when you scroll to the bottom it will load the next page inline, with no need to click, much like the facebook feed. I think that will be best of both worlds.

Re: purchasing issue

it does not happen all the time, just on a few that i was buying cards on.  but seems to consistently happen on those few.

such as:
the below profiles:

what is seems is when they have multiple pages (3+)  of cards available for trade and purchase from my wish list.  when i hit the next button for purchases is scrolls down to the trades and then i scroll up and it says " xx does not sell any cards from your wishlist. Check out these other interesting cards he has for sale."  when i know it says they have 3 pages of stuff for sale from my wish list.  I refresh the page and it goes back to page one of the sale items.

i know there are more than that for profiles, but that is the one i encountered today even.

Re: purchasing issue

This is now fixed. The problem was actually not the pagination, but the initial information you saw on the page had some extra information in there. e.g. you needed a Forest only from a specific edition, and you saw many of the seller's other edition forests. Which was wrong.