Topic: golgari

Wanting to build a good golgari deck i have korazda guild mage and golgari guildgates and cluestones

Re: golgari

You're going to have to give us a bit more information if at all possible:

1) What type of setting are you looking to play in?  Is this supposed to be king of the kitchen table or are you wanting to go to competitive events?

2) In the same vein, do you have a format restriction?  It is likely you'll want to keep it standard legal if you're going for competitive events, but for a more casual format, the sky is the limit.

3) Do you have particular strategies in mind?  What drew you to Golgari as opposed to some other color pairing?  Are you all about graveyard manipulation and shenanigans?  Do you have specific cards (aside from what you have listed) or combos that you're looking to utilize?

4) What is your budget for building said deck?  Are you looking for something fun and dirty on the cheap or a real competitor that might cost a fair bit?

I'm sure people get put off when I say this, but it is true: the more information you provide to the community, the more likely it is that the community will be able (and willing) to help.

Re: golgari

Im a stay at home mom with no babysitter so im not looking for tournament just among friends play and i would like to stay in modern sa format .
Im still very new to this all so i dont know a whole lot about golgari i have been running primarly black decks so i wanted to expand a bit and after i got a few golgari cards i decided i would try it . As for other cards i have duress and feast of dreams and time to feed i for sure want to add past that i am not sure. I dont have a very big budget

Last edited by kathirene89 (2014-09-15 21:44:24)