Topic: W:to complete Jeskai EDH

looking to get the many cards I need for a Narset EDH, including narset herself … till-need/

Up for trade are cards in my tradelist. You are welcome to look in my inventory, but i will not trade these cards down, and I am liable to say no to some of them. The swords are definitely not up for trade, for example. If you'd like to trade me a bunch of the cheaper cards on the list, I'm down to trade down a few mid value cards from my tradelist, for some % value that we can discuss.

Thanks for looking!

Re: W:to complete Jeskai EDH

I appear to have several of the cards that you need. A couple of them are foil, and I think one of them is promo. But give my list a look and let me know if you want to try and set something up.

Re: W:to complete Jeskai EDH

What cards of mine were you interested in?

Re: W:to complete Jeskai EDH

I am sure I could probably find things to match with whatever, but the ones that most caught my eye were Wound Reflection and Baneslayer Angel.