Topic: W: Sealed Khans, M15 H: Tradelist

So, I don't have actual money to spend on KTK, so I am looking to trade cards for sealed KTK product! Also will take a bit of M15, however primarily interested in KTK! Will also trade for KTK rares worth money. Planeswalkers, Fetches, etc.

Let me know if you have interest, maybe we can set something up!

Re: W: Sealed Khans, M15 H: Tradelist


Re: W: Sealed Khans, M15 H: Tradelist

Hi Joe

How many packs are you looking for in exchange for the foil aether vial?

Re: W: Sealed Khans, M15 H: Tradelist

I have 4 packs of M15 and 4 packs of Khans.  How much trade value would you give me for those?