Topic: Request re: Mass Tradelist Edits

I enjoy trading, and most of my inventory is up for trade, including all of the junk no one wants. The problem I'm having is that not all of my inventory is up for grabs, as I do play and need to keep decks together.

When I make a large off-site purchase or, for whatever reason, need to log a ton of cards all at once, it gets very tedious to go through each one and update the tradelist amounts for them individually, so it's nice that there is an option to mark everything for trade. The problem I'm running into is then with the stuff I'm not trading, so I'm stuck either marking each card as available as I log it, or marking everything and then going back to unmark what isn't available. Occasionally, when trying the second option, I miss one and have to explain that when someone requests it in a trade.

There are a couple of ways I can think of to get around this:

1. An option on each card to permanently remove it from trade. A master trade toggle, if you will, that tells the "Mark all for Trade" option to ignore it. Depending on how it works out, this could create problems if you want to keep a certain amount of a card that you run in a deck, but are willing to trade any extras you have, so possibly a toggleable option along the lines of foil or textless would work.

2. An option to remove a deck from the tradelist. That way, I can take the stuff I'm running in the decks I'm keeping together out of the list all at once. This would mean either a popup asking you to confirm which specific cards to take out if you've got multiples that might work, or the ability to assign specific cards to a deck (which would be awesome regardless, if for no other reason than to know how much a deck is actually worth).

3. An option to add to tradelist when using the import function. A simple checkbox in the default values section of the importer would do wonders. This also makes things easier in cases where you're only adding a few cards, like a booster pack, but all of them need to be marked for trade.

I'm not sure if this is a common enough problem to address or if it's been addressed before (I didn't see anything when I searched), but I thought it was worth bringing up.

Re: Request re: Mass Tradelist Edits

Option 1 is improbable, but option 2 is definitely something that has been requested and that we want to do.

Number 3 you can already do, if you go to your tradelist and use the import widget it will automatically add the things you add to both the tradelist & inventory.

Re: Request re: Mass Tradelist Edits

I've never used the import widget on the tradelist because I assumed it just added things from your inventory to your tradelist. That actually solves all of my problems. And makes me feel a little dumb. Thank you!

Re: Request re: Mass Tradelist Edits

No problem, and don't worry about it. It's not as straightforward as it should be, I do want to polish this thing a bit so that users don't have to guess around it.