Topic: Import Wishlist to Trade Screen

Hi there.  I've just started using the site, and I'm not sure of all the things I am able to do.  I can see that some people have a lot of things that they want from my trade list (common, uncommons, etc).  Is there a way to add the whole list automatically to the trade then remove things one by one instead of adding all the items individually?

Re: Import Wishlist to Trade Screen

Unfortunately this isn't an option yet, but it has been requested a few times before so it's on the to-do list. smile

Re: Import Wishlist to Trade Screen


Could be initially implemented as a checkbox in the New Trade screen: |_| Add matching cards to trade (would add matching cards from both traders).

I don't think this goes far enough as wishlists may change during a trade. I think there should be an indicator for cards in a trade that are not on the trader's wishlist. And also a fast way to add cards that match, perhaps add them to the trade but have them greyed-out and not count until you click on them.