Topic: Need Phyrexian Obliterators and Bloodghasts

I've added a bunch of things to my lists, some EDH and Modern staples in particular. The shocks are primarily for the Obliterators or other $20+ cards on my Wishlist.

Last edited by BasedJeleren (2014-10-01 16:50:07)

Selling anything and everything on any of my lists

Re: Need Phyrexian Obliterators and Bloodghasts


Selling anything and everything on any of my lists

Re: Need Phyrexian Obliterators and Bloodghasts

got the foil vengevine! Now I need some Bloodghasts and Obliterators. I have quite a few shocks for trade, but only towards the Obliterators. If you're interested, let me know which ones you're looking for!

Last edited by BasedJeleren (2014-10-01 20:10:20)

Selling anything and everything on any of my lists

Re: Need Phyrexian Obliterators and Bloodghasts


Selling anything and everything on any of my lists

Re: Need Phyrexian Obliterators and Bloodghasts


Selling anything and everything on any of my lists