Topic: Printing Card Checklist w/ What We Already Have?

I'd like to print a card listing for all cards in the Khans of Tarkir set, but also have it show how many of each card I own and how many I have for trade.  Looking at my inventory, there's no way to do this (it doesn't include the ones that I'm missing).  If I go to the card database and filter it for only Khans of Tarkir, it shows exactly what I want...but there's no "print" or "export" button there.  Could we please have the ability to do this?  It would be great for bringing cards with us to the local game shop, keeping the cards in the car, and letting people skim through the list to see if I have anything that they want.  Thanks!

PS - If this is already possible, please explain how, because apparently I'm a dolt and didn't see it.