Topic: gisela edh help

so i need one card to tie this list up, unless you people can think of things to change. this is a multiplayer oriented aggro-ish list and i'm pretty bad at deckbuilding. here's the list thanx guys

Re: gisela edh help

I'm not the best at deckbuilding either, but if you're looking for just an extra one to throw in that wouldn't be bad for the deck, Aurelia the Warleader, I don't believe I saw on your list. She's pretty good with Gisela, and I actually like running her as an alternate commander as both do some good things for combat. Just an idea to help you along smile

Re: gisela edh help

sweet thanx man i will try her out i guess ive been derping because i own her and know i looked past her like 5 times looking for a card to add