Topic: Adding cards from decks to inventory

Hello everybody,

I am new in the house, please forgive me if i am asking something, that is already explained somewhere. But i cannot find a support forum, so i hope this topic is fine here.

I have just started to use this website. It seems very nice and useful. Thanks for all the great work so far.
THe first thing i have done was to start typing in my casual decks, which worked fine.
Unfortunately, all cards are listed as "missing cards/cards i don't own".

After searching everywhere, i have not find an option to add all cards automaticly to my inventory.

I am afraid that i have to type in all cards for a second time. The only option i have found is to export the list and then import it in the inventory. In my oppinion, this is a little bit unnecessary work and i don't want to do this for all decks (about 70).

When i go to a deck and click on the "card actions" button, the only thing i can do is to remove marked cards.

Would it be possible to add an additional option for card actions, like "Add marked cards to inventory"

This way only 2 clicks would be necassary to add a full deck to the inventory.

But maybe there is already a similiar option that i have not found.
I would be happe if you could answer my question.

Thank you in advance.

Last edited by schizzo1985 (2014-09-16 19:34:28)

Re: Adding cards from decks to inventory

Your best option for now would be the "print" option. On the deck page, under Tools, click Print. This will open a new tab with an easily copy-able list. Copy this list. In a separate tab browse to your Inventory. Select Import > Card List. You will probably want to set the default Set to blank. Paste the list and click Import. Repeat for each deck. Might as well leave the Inventory tab open and browse your decks in another.

~70 decks will still take a while, but it's significantly faster than typing everything again! smile

Re: Adding cards from decks to inventory

Thank you Kammikaze. Will do as described.

Any chance that my suggestion will be considered?

Re: Adding cards from decks to inventory

schizzo1985 wrote:

Any chance that my suggestion will be considered?

I could see it as being useful especially for new members, but it would probably be pretty low priority if it were to be considered. As far as I know it's just one guy, Sebi,  that does the work for the site.

Re: Adding cards from decks to inventory

Yep, the current interaction between decks and inventories is definitely lacking.

We do have plans to smoothen this out very soon. (It somewhat ties into a 'tagging' feature set that we have planned, and is also discussed in a sticky topic on this forum.)

Re: Adding cards from decks to inventory

This sounds great. Looking forward to your future updates. Thx

Re: Adding cards from decks to inventory

Hi also a new user here.  The suggestion to add decks/cards to inventory would be really helpful.

For example since I just started playing again, I picked up a couple of the new Intro Decks.  These are defined sets of cards, and I found them easily in the list of user decks.  So ideally I could just add this deck to my inventory since I know I have all 60 cards.  Typing in each of the 60 seems redundant.

I will try the method listed above using the print feature. 

Edit:  That worked slick, thanks!

The Dude

Last edited by The_Dude (2014-10-08 04:23:57)