Topic: Standard Sultai Control

Sultai Control

Counter spells- Dissipate and Stubborn Denial. Dissipate because exile doesn't fuel delve, Stubborn Denial for turn 1 counters and late game.

Card Draw- Treasure Cruise, Sultai Charm. Treasure Cruise gets me more card than dig through time, Sultai Charm is versatile.

Removal- Sultai Charm, Murderous Cut, Silence the Believers. Murderous Cut, I don't use many creatures, plenty of cards to fuel delve, Silence the Believers can be multi target and doesn't fuel delve.

Ramp-Sylvan Caryatid, Courser of Kruphix. Sylvan Caryatid, blocker, plus it can generate any color, Courser of Kruphix, good lifegain, plus extra lands are always welcome.

Planeswalker-Ashiok can help deal deck with delve and lets me capitalize on cards revealed by an opponents courser.

Other-Kin-Tree Invocation, Stormtide Leviathan. Kin Tree Invocation can get me a 4/4 cheaply, allowing me to save mana to counter spell, it also triggers stubborn denial for ferocius, Stormtide Leviathan is the win con.

Re: Standard Sultai Control

wintersmith wrote:

Sultai Control

Counter spells- Dissipate and Stubborn Denial. Dissipate because exile doesn't fuel delve, Stubborn Denial for turn 1 counters and late game.

Card Draw- Treasure Cruise, Sultai Charm. Treasure Cruise gets me more card than dig through time, Sultai Charm is versatile.

Removal- Sultai Charm, Murderous Cut, Silence the Believers. Murderous Cut, I don't use many creatures, plenty of cards to fuel delve, Silence the Believers can be multi target and doesn't fuel delve.

Ramp-Sylvan Caryatid, Courser of Kruphix. Sylvan Caryatid, blocker, plus it can generate any color, Courser of Kruphix, good lifegain, plus extra lands are always welcome.

Planeswalker-Ashiok can help deal deck with delve and lets me capitalize on cards revealed by an opponents courser.

Other-Kin-Tree Invocation, Stormtide Leviathan. Kin-Tree Invocation can get me a 4/4 cheaply, allowing me to save mana to counter spell, it also triggers stubborn denial for ferocius, Stormtide Leviathan is the win con.

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
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Re: Standard Sultai Control

the reason that dig is preferred over cruise in standard is that dig is instant and while it nets you 1 less card you get to see more of your deck to find the answer you need...

I don't think the deck needs "ramp" either... courser/caryatid don't do much for you in this scenario... courser could just be  bile blight which instead of chumping just removes the early threat all together... courser really just needs to be hero's downfall.

stubborn denial is okay turns 1-2 probably but after that has sever diminishing returns in your deck.  You're not likely to be able to meet the ferocious requirements until much later and really countering a non creature spell isn't needed... you should have dissolve for that and disdainful stroke gets like 90% of the threats you care about