Topic: Token creatures

Just getting back into the game after a gap of several years, and not brought any cards since 8th Edition.

I'm thinking about buying the 2015 Deck Builder set, and get to grips with the new additions. Looking at the plainswalker cards leads me to ask a question about token creatures. I can see how they are generated, but I'm not sure about when they are removed.

I assume that its at the end of the turn,. Is this correct or do they continue until killed?

Re: Token creatures

Tokens remain on the battle field until they are killed via damage or actual removal. There are a few cards that make tokens that you have to sacrifice at the end of turn bu the majority of tokens remain the battlefield until they get removed some how.

Something to keep in mind tho, is that Tokens do actually go the graveyard when they die. They dont stay in there (if the chance would arise to return them to your hand). This is an important aspect as there are cards that say "when a creature goes to the graveyard" (also known as "dies" now) tokens "dying" will trigger an effect to happen.

Re: Token creatures

Great - thank you very much.