CARLOZ's profile
- MTG DECKS (113)
Event decks / Clash packs
sta 7th edition Starter - Gold
sta 7th edition Starter - Silver
mod Battle for Zendikar - Event Deck
leg Elspeth vs Kiora - Elspeth
leg Elspeth vs Kiora - Kiora
mod Gatecrash - Rally and Rout
mod Khans of Tarkir - Conquering Hordes
sta Portal Starter A
sta Portal Starter B
leg Speed vs Cunning - Cunning
leg Speed vs Cunning - Speed
Full Sets
oth Chronicles Full Set
oth Fallen Empires Full Set
oth Invasion Full Set
oth Legions Full Set
oth Nemesis Full Set
oth Prophecy Full Set
oth Tempest Full Set
oth Torment Full Set
oth Unhinged Full Set
oth Urza's Destiny Full Set
oth Urza's Legacy Full Set
mod 8 Rack
mod 8-Ball CoCo
mod Abzan Rally
mod Abzan Rites
mod Abzan Tokens
mod All in Druid
mod Bant Spirits
mod Bant Walls
mod BG Rock
mod BG Yawgmoth
mod Blistering Rage
mod Bloodletter combo
mod Bogles
mod Boros Energy
mod Collected Value
mod Crashing Footfalls
mod Demon Regisaur
mod Domain Zoo
mod Dredge
mod Eldrazi & Taxes
mod Eldrazi Tron
mod Elementals
mod Enchantress
mod Esper Solemnity
mod Fecundity Goblins
mod Five-Color Soulflayer
mod GB Elves
mod Goblins
mod Goryo's Vengeance
mod Hammer Time
mod Hardened Snake
mod Hatebears
mod Hollow One
mod Hunted Esper
mod Indomitable Creativity
mod Infect
mod Izzet Phoenix
mod Izzet Tempo
mod Jeskai Thing Ascension
mod Jund
mod Land Destruction
mod Legends
mod Mardu Death's Shadow
mod Mardu Pact
mod Merfolk
mod Miracles
mod Mono Black Coffers
mod Mono-Blue Colossus
mod Mono-Green Aggro
mod Mono-Green Tron
mod Mono-White Emeria
mod Mono-White Humans
mod Naya Zoo
mod Neoform Hoof Affinity
mod Rat Moon
mod Reanimator
mod Restore Balance
mod Ruby Storm
mod RW Burn
mod Selesnya Lifegain
mod Sephara flyers
mod Soul Sisters
mod Sultai Snow
mod Tempered Tokens
mod Temur Prowess
mod Twiddle Storm
mod UB Mill
mod UR Summonings
mod UR Wizards
mod UW Monks
mod UW StoneBlade
mod UWR Control
mod Zombie Hunt
Modern - missing cards
mod 4 Colour Elementals
mod Blue Moon
mod RB Goblins
mod Red Eldrazi
mod UW Exalted
pau Eldrazi Reanimator
pau Mono-Black Ponza
pau Mono-White Heroic
pau Tortured Existence
mod RW legends
mod WBG Exalted
mod Zombies
pau Affinity
mod Living End
mod Mono Blue Belcher
mod Rakdos Fomo Arcanist
mod Scales
pau Swamp Black