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- MTG DECKS (21)
Ice Age Block
- leg BU: Dark Control
- leg GR: Karplusian Grounding
- leg UW: Millstone
Innistrad Block
- mod BG: Deathly Dominion
- mod BR: Interviews
- mod GR: There, Wolf
- mod UW: Spiritus Mundi
Mirage Block
- leg G: Natural Order
- leg U: Paradigm Deflection
- vin UG: Mind Bender
Revised Era
- leg B: Thrullabaloo
- leg R: Mogg Squad
- leg R: Urza's Flare
- leg UGW: Faerie Fire
Tempest Block
- leg BU: The Slivers
- leg BUGRW: Sliver and Gold
- leg G: The Swarm
- leg UW: Deep Freeze
Training Wheels
- leg B: Beginner
- leg G: Beginner
- leg R: Beginner