Main Deck - 101 cards, 98 distinct
Sideboard - 50 cards, 50 distinct
Sideboard max: 36 cards
11/6/22 Commander change: Prossh to Korvold +PitilessPlunderer - Fecundity
11/29/22 New system initial survey
12/2/22 main deck back to prossh, with board devoted to Cedh korvold, overlap must be 55 cards.
1/8/23 board is back to focusing options for prossh, I prefer the creature sack combo to the krovold lines, so looking at a goblin persist combo package
7/15/23 adjusting sideboard to 36 cards;
11/6/22 Commander change: Prossh to Korvold +PitilessPlunderer - Fecundity
11/29/22 New system initial survey
12/2/22 main deck back to prossh, with board devoted to Cedh korvold, overlap must be 55 cards.
1/8/23 board is back to focusing options for prossh, I prefer the creature sack combo to the krovold lines, so looking at a goblin persist combo package
7/15/23 adjusting sideboard to 36 cards;
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