DENTAKU81's profile
- MTG DECKS (41)
EDH Custom
vin Beast Mode Tribal EDH
vin Blinking Contest Brago EDH
vin Daghatar - EDH
vin Darien - EDH
vin Derevi Bird Tribal EDH
vin Dragonlord Ojutai Erik Tiernan
vin General Tazri, Rise of the Allies - EDH
vin Gisa and Geralf Zombie Reanimation EDH
vin Gonti - EDH
vin Ishkanah, Queen of Spiddies! - EDH
vin Kaseto Snake Tribal - EDH
vin Kozilek, The Great Distortion of the Boardstate
vin Merieke - EDH
leg Mikaeus - EDH
vin Oathbreakers and Kingslayers: Adriana EDH
mod Omnath + Forests - EDH
vin Oviya - EDH
vin Padeem - EDH
vin Populate - EDH
vin Prepare Your Salami for the Azami - EDH
vin Rashmi - EDH
leg Rosheen - EDH
leg Selenia - EDH
vin Sygg, River Guide - EDH
vin Tasigur EDH
vin Trostani - EDH
sta Trunk-load of Elephants
vin Ulrich, Rise of the Full Moon - EDH
vin Vermintide (EDH Rats)
EDH Precon
Commander 2014
Commander 2015
Commander 2016
vin Green Selvala - The Shrekoning
mod Pummeler