This deck is incomplete. It is not listed in the decks section and does not count towards the total decks count. A complete WoW deck contains between 61 and 70 cards, and includes a hero card.

releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 64 cards, 36 distinct
Name  Type Classes Edition
Weapon (1)
1 Reclaimed Ashkandi Two - Handed Weapon - Sword     Crown of the Heavens
Armor (4)
1 Aegis of the Scarlet Commander Equipment - Armor - Shield     Dungeon Decks
2 Belt of Absolute Zero Equipment - Armor - Plate     Crown of the Heavens
1 Bloodbane's Fall Armor - Cloth            Scourgewar
Item (1)
1 Bottled Rage Equipment - Item - Potion            Throne of the Tides
Ally (34)
1 Bobbler Monster Ally - Murloc Shaman Throne of the Tides
3 Brogre Monster Ally - Ogre Warrior Crown of the Heavens
1 Bubblesmash Monster Ally - Murloc Hunter Crown of the Heavens
3 Deathsmasher Mogdar Monster Ally - Ogre Death Knight Crown of the Heavens
2 Drugush the Crusher Monster Ally - Ogre Warrior Throne of the Tides
2 Grag'tok Monster Ally - Ogre Mage Crown of the Heavens
3 Gutfin Monster Ally - Murloc Priest Crown of the Heavens
1 Jadefire Hellcaller Monster Ally - Satyr Demon Warlock Crown of the Heavens
1 Keeper Alinar Monster Ally - Keeper of the Grove Druid Crown of the Heavens
1 Mindbender Ghur'sha Monster Ally - Merciless One Throne of the Tides
7 Murloc Coastrunner Monster Ally - Murloc Rogue Throne of the Tides
1 Naz'jar Harpooner Monster Ally - Naga Hunter Throne of the Tides
1 Naz'jar Sorceress Monster Ally - Naga Mage Throne of the Tides
2 Nibbler Monster Ally - Murloc Rogue Throne of the Tides
1 Snurky Monster Ally - Murloc Rogue Throne of the Tides
2 Tar'gak the Felcrazed Monster Ally - Ogre Warlock Throne of the Tides
2 Throk the Conqueror Monster Ally - Ogre Lord Warrior Crown of the Heavens
Ability (12)
2 Brutal Strike Ability - Fury   Crown of the Heavens
1 Crushing Strike Ability - Arms   Worldbreaker
1 Dauntless Defender Instant Ability - Protection   War of the Elements
3 Execute Instant Ability - Fury   Heroes of Azeroth
2 Monstrous Cleave Ability - Fury   Throne of the Tides
2 Monstrous Upheaval Ability Throne of the Tides
1 Vitality Ability - Protection Talent   Hunt for Illidan
Quest (12)
1 An Ancient Awakens Quest Crown of the Heavens
1 Blueleaf Tubers Quest Heroes of Azeroth
1 Seeds of Their Demise Quest Throne of the Tides
1 The Battle Is Won, the War Goes On Quest Crown of the Heavens
2 The Culmination of Our Efforts Quest Throne of the Tides
3 Wake of Destruction Quest Throne of the Tides
3 Waking the Beast Quest Throne of the Tides
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(

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