OGRYZEK's profile
- MTG DECKS (74)
com 0 Elder Dragon Highlander
com 1 Gahiji DS Tribal
com 1 God-Eternal Oketra
com 1 Snake Samurai
com 1 Thassa, God of the Sea
com Apex of Forever
com Bhaalspawn
com Dawn of Hope
com Disciple of Red Dragon
com Dragon Flash
com Elfpack
com Graveyard Harvest
com Heroes, Gather Up!
com Knights Crusade
com Paints-the-Earth-Red
com Phyrexian Corruption
com Praise the Sun!
com Primal Hunger
com Prismari Performance
com Raging Storm
com Reliving the Past
com River Current
com Rolling Avalanche
com Ruthless Regiment
com Sliver Swarm
com Stitched Nightmare
com Sway of the Sea
com Tale of Redtooth Curse
com War at Frontier
com Web of Chaos
com Winged Death
Izzet good? Yes
com Aegar, the Freezing Flame
com Angry Boi
com Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer
com Ganax, Astral Hunter/Feywild Visitor
com Izzet partners II
com Rielle, the Everwise
com Rowan Kenrith/Will Kenrith
com The Locust God
com Vadrik, Astral Archmage
com Wind and Fire
com Blame Game Upgrades
leg Budget Red Vampires
com Chromatic manabase
pio Dimir blink
sta Koth Control
com Niv-Mizzet lvl 9
com UB only Deck
orszak rycerzy
pau Dimir Delver
pau Elves
pau gruul convoke
pau Gruul Ramp
pau Jund Reanimator
pau Mati Pauper
pau Mono Blue
pau Mono Red Kuldotha
pau Mono White Aggro
pau Pest control
pau Slivers
com Brainboil
sta Copy of otharri
sta otharri