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releases on February 14, 2025!

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releases on February 14, 2025!

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Main Deck - 54 cards, 18 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (24)
3 Bright Wizard Acolyte Empire Unit 2 + The Fourth Waystone
3 Celestial Apprentice Empire Unit 2 + Chaos Moon
3 Celestial Wizard Empire Unit 3 + The Twin Tailed Comet
3 Devotee of Chamon Empire Unit 2 + The Imperial Throne
3 Friedrich Hemmler Empire Unit 5 + Redemption of a Mage
3 Jade Acolyte Empire Unit 2 + March of the Damned
3 Sea Lord Aislinn High Elf Unit 3 + Realm of the Phoenix King
3 True Mage High Elf Unit 3 + The Twin Tailed Comet
Tactic (15)
3 Asuryan's Cleansing High Elf Tactic 0 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Chain Lightning Empire Tactic 2 + Chaos Moon
3 Drain Magic High Elf Tactic 1 + The Silent Forge
3 Rage of the Bear Empire Tactic 1 + Rising Dawn
3 Tear of Isha High Elf Tactic 1 + Assault on Ulthuan
Support (15)
3 Dragon Mage Wakening High Elf Support 0 + Assault on Ulthuan
3 Empire/High Elf Alliance Neutral Support 2 Core Set
3 Gathering the Winds High Elf Support 0 + Rising Dawn
3 Judgement of Loec High Elf Support 1 + Legends
3 Warpstone Excavation Neutral Support 0 Core Set
Sideboard - 6 cards, 2 distinct
Name  Race Type Cost Edition
Unit (3)
3 Mage of the White Tower High Elf Unit 3 + The Imperial Throne
Support (3)
3 Elven Steed High Elf Support 1 + Legends

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