AKIBA DRUMER's profile
- MTG DECKS (36)
vin Alesha
mod asdf
com Azusa, lost but waiting for christmas
vin chaos edh
vin competitive bant
leg defense edh
vin goat simulator
mod gw token
leg horsey deck
vin horsey edh
vin horsey edh 2.0
vin horsey edh 3.0
vin in debt to teysa
mod mono white lunarch
vin pheldy
mod rats
vin rats edh
mod red
vin saskia precon
vin sen triplets
vin snaaakes
leg squirrel tribal
vin sygg nasty
vin temp
vin temp 2
vin the most civilized control deck
vin the most civilized control deck 2.0
vin the ten plagues
mod token
leg Trostani, Selesnya's Voice
mod turn two infect
vin vampire
leg wall deck
mod white blue standard token
vin yidris
vin zombies