GEMONA's profile
- MTG DECKS (66)
sta Gate
sta Nayasaurs
sta Simic
sta Simic Edit
sta Simic Wings
sta 001 Eriette
sta 001 Forge Treasure Draft
sta 001 Hylda
sta 001 Jon Irenicus
sta 001 Lara Croft
com 001 Mina and Denn Landfall EDH
sta 001 Tergrid EDH
sta 001 Winota
vin Brago, King Eternal
sta Bruna 2023
vin Commander
sta Copy of 001 Winota
leg Copy of Commander
leg EDH Cards
sta Ixalan Prerelase 2
sta Ixalan Prerelease 1
sta Jon Irenicus Deck
sta Jon Irenicus Draft
sta Jon Irenicus List
com Mina and Denn Landfall EDH
mod Naya Dinosaur
mod RG Dino Ramp
mod Token Dino
leg list
sta 0001 Remaining Bruna 2023 Buy List
sta 001 Wind grace Wants
com Back Up Borborygmos Enraged EDH
com Borborygmos Discard EDH
mod Box
sta Bruna 2023
sta Bruna 2023 Buy List
vin Bruna EDH
mod buy
sta Copy of 001 Forge Treasure Draft
sta Copy of 001 Lara Croft
sta Copy of 001 Lara Croft
com Copy of 001 Mina and Denn Landfall EDH
com Copy of Borborygmos Discard EDH
com Copy of Borborygmos Discard EDH
com Copy of Borborygmos Enraged Discard EDH
vin Copy of Commander
sta counters
mod Dinosaur
leg Dredge G/B
vin EDH
mod GR Monster
sta green
leg hjjk
sta Huatli, Dinosaur Knight
sta List
vin Mill EDH
com Needed Borborygmos Discard EDH
mod RG rush
mod Rivals Dino
leg test
vin Test deck
sta Test MoM 1
sta Ur Dragon
vin Uril EDH
mod UW Control
vin Zegana
Avg. CMC 0 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |

There are no cards in this set. (yet) ;)
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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