Name  |
Type |
Classes |
Edition |
Rarity |
3 |
"Chipper" Ironbane
Ally - Dwarf Warrior |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
A New Plague
Quest |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
A Refugee's Quandary
Quest |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Apprentice Teep
Ally - Gnome Mage |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Arcane Intellect
Instant Ability - Arcane |
Heroes of Azeroth
3 |
Arcane Missiles
Ability - Arcane |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Arcane Research
Ability - Arcane |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Arcane Torrent
Instant Ability |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Arena Grandmaster
Arena Quest |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Argent Defender
Armor - Shield |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Arnold Flem
Ally - Undead Mage |
Heroes of Azeroth
2 |
As the Crow Flies
Quest |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Azarak Wolfsblood
Hero - Orc Hunter |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Bane of the Illidari
Quest |
Hunt for Illidan
2 |
Battle Shout
Instant Ability - Fury Shout |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Ally - Troll Priest |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Blade Flurry
Ability - Combat Talent |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Blessing of Sanctuary
Instant Ability - Protection Talent Blessing |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Blessing of the Heavens
Instant Ability - Restoration Protection Blessing |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Blistering Fire
Ability - Fire |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Blood Knight Kyria
Ally - Blood Elf Paladin |
Hunt for Illidan
1 |
Ability - Protection |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Bloodsea Brigand's Vest
Armor - Leather |
Blood of Gladiators
1 |
Ally - Undead Warrior |
Through the Dark Portal
2 |
Bretander of the Claw
Ally - Night Elf Druid |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Brother Rhone
Ally - Dwarf Paladin |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Bulkas Wildhorn
Hero - Tauren Warrior |
Through the Dark Portal
1 |
Burn Away
Ability |
Heroes of Azeroth
1 |
Canissa the Shadow
Instant Ally - Blood Elf Rogue |
Blood of Gladiators