RYNNAKOKKI's profile
- MTG DECKS (28)
vin Cube Ravnicube
sta Draft 5-5-18
leg EDH Animar, Soul of Elements
leg EDH Athreos, God of Passage
vin EDH Gishath, Dino Daddy
vin EDH Marath, Will of the Wild
vin EDH Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith
vin EDH Neheb, the Eternal
leg EDH Nylea, God of the Hunt
vin EDH Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
mod EDH Zur the Enchanter
leg Horde: Eldrazi
leg Horde: Zombie
mod MDN UB Thopter Sword
mod MOD WBR Life Loss
sta OBR Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants
leg OBR Nissa, Who Shakes the World
vin PDH Ruthless Deathfang
leg PDH Shaman of the Pack
leg PDH Shapers of Nature
leg PDH Sigil Captain
mod STD BG Saprolings
sta STD Sunbird's Approach
mod STD UB Tetsuko Rats
mod STD UR Thopters
mod STD Wizards Aggro
sta STD WUG Lands
leg Upgraded White Welcome Deck