NIBSTHA's profile
- MTG DECKS (658)
0. Gamle versjoner
mod Abzan Tokens
sta Adam Styborski's Pauper Cube (As of Iconic Masters)
com Admiral Beckett Brass (Commander) v.1 - 09.08.19
com Admiral Beckett Brass (Commander) v.1.1 - 01.09.21
mod Admiral Beckett Brass's Crew v.1 - 18.09.18
sta Admiral Beckett Brass's Crew v.1.1 - 08.10.18
sta Admiralty Brawl (Pirate Tribal)
mod Aggro kills in turn 4 (v1 10.08.17)
com Artifact Commander 24.09.20
com Atraxa, Praetors' Voice (Commander) - Energy Theme
mod Azorius
mod B/G Explore (Dev)
sta B/G Explore v.1 - 20.02.18
sta B/G Explore v.1.1 - 13.03.18
mod B/R Aggro
mod B/R Aggro v.1 - 10.04.18
mod B/R Counterburn
mod B/R Midrange v.1.1 - 15.06.18
mod B/R Minotaur v.1 - 22.10.17
mod B/R Pirates (Budget - Dev)
mod Beckett Brass Beatdown v.1 - 18.09.18
sta Blue Djinn
sta Blue Tempo
mod Boros
sta Boros Aggro
mod Boros burn
mod Boros Burn
sta Boros Goblins - 01.10.18
sta Boros Tokens
leg Budget Commander #42: Muldrotha's Fun Times
mod Budget Mono-Green Fatties
mod Budget Mono-Green Ramp (Dev)
mod Budget Mono-White Servos
mod Budget Temur Miracle Grow
mod Budget U/G Merfolk
mod Burn
mod Burn - Desember '17
mod Burn (30.07.17)
mod Burn (5-0, 08.01.19)
mod Burn v.1 - 26.05.18
mod Burn v.1.1 - 02.06.18
com Chulane, Teller of Tales (Commander) v.1 - 06.11.19
com Chulane, Teller of Tales (Commander) v.1.1 - 06.02.20
com Chulane, Teller of Tales (Commander) v.1.2 - 10.02.20
com Chulane, Teller of Tales (Commander) v.1.3 - 22.02.20
com Chulane, Teller of Tales (Commander) v.1.4 - 17.01.21
com Chulane, Teller of Tales (Commander) v.1.4.1 - 11.02.21
sta Citadel Aristocrats
vin Commander - Entropic Uprising
vin Commander Firesong & Sunspeaker
com Commander Zombie Precon (Midnight Hunt)
mod Counter Surge
mod Counter Surge
sta Crazy Goblins! v.1 - 10.07.19
mod Death Control (Super budget)
vin Depala, Pilot Exemplar (Commander)
mod Dimir
sta Dimir Surveil
sta Dimir Winds (MTGGoldfish)
mod Dinosaurer v.1 - 02.10.17
com Dr. Madison Li
leg Dredge
sta Dunkin' Dinos
com Elven Empire
mod Energy v.1 - 31.10.17
vin Entropic Uprising (Commander) v.1.1 - 29.08.18
com Entropic Uprising (Commander) v.1.2 - 25.04.19
sta Eternal Thirst Final
sta Eternal Thirst v.2.1
mod Favorable Pirates
mod Favorable Pirates (Saff)
mod Firesong and Sunspeaker v.1 - 01.07.18
sta Fleksibelt deck
mod G/U Energy (Budget)
mod G/U Pummeler Energy v.1 - 02.07.18
mod G/U Pummeler Energy v.1.1 - 09.07.18
mod G/W Commander BETA
mod Goblin 8 Whack v.1 - 10.04.18
mod Goblin Burn
mod Goblins
sta Goblins
mod Goblins v.1 - 25.11.17
vin Golgari
sta Golgari Explore
mod Golgari Explore v.1 - 21.09.18
sta Golgari Graveyard
sta Golgari Midrange
sta Golgari Reanimator (MTGGoldfish)
mod Grixis Aggroffinity
mod Gruul
sta Gruul Goblins
mod GW Cats (Saff)
mod Hazored
mod Hazoret Aggro
mod Hazoret Aggro
mod Izzet
sta Izzet Aggro
sta Izzet Burn
sta Izzet Control
sta Izzet Control
sta Izzet Control
sta Izzet Counter-Burn
sta Izzet Drake v.1.1 - 31.01.19
sta Izzet Drake v.1.2 - 09.02.19
sta Izzet Drakes (Budget)
sta Izzet Drakes (Non-Budget)
sta Izzet Drakes (Top 8 PT GoR)
sta Izzet Drakes v.1 - 12.01.19
sta Izzet Drakes v.1.3 - 16.02.19
sta Izzet Drakes v.1.4 - 22.03.19
sta Izzet Drakes v.1.4 - 23.02.19
sta Izzet Drakes v.2.0 - 09.05.19
sta Izzet QuasiDrakes
sta Izzet Tempo (Channel Fireball)
sta Izzet Twin
sta Izzet Wizards
sta Izzet Wizards
sta Jeskai Control
mod Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain
com Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain v.1 - 29.09.19 (Commander)
mod Jodah, Archmage Eternal
sta Keld Red
com Krenko, Mob Boss (Commander) v.1 - 02.07.23
mod Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca
com Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (Commander) v.1 - 06.08.22
com Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (Commander) v.1.1 - 19.02.23
com Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (Commander) v.1.2 - 29.11.23
com Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (Commander) v.1.2.1 - 06.01.24
vin Kykar, Wind's Fury (Commander) v.1 - 10.07.19
vin Kykar, Wind's Fury (Commander) v.1.1 - 15.07.19
vin Kykar, Wind's Fury (Commander) v.1.2 - 22.08.19
vin Kykar, Wind's Fury (Commander) v.1.3 - 02.10.19
com Lathril, Blade of the Elves (Commander) v.1 - 10.12.21
com Lathril, Blade of the Elves (Commander) v.1.1 - 15.12.21
com Lathril, Blade of the Elves (Commander) v.1.3 - 25.08.22
mod Many creatures surprise!
sta Mardu Aggro (Joe Soh)
sta Mardu Aristocrats
sta Mardu Judith Black
sta Mardu Judith Red
sta Mastermind Gates
sta Merfolk (test)
mod Merfolk Rivals upd
mod Merfolk v.1 - 02.10.17
vin Mogis Punisher EDH
sta Mono Blue Aggro (Best Deck MC1)
sta Mono Blue Curious Bogles
sta Mono Red Goblins
sta Mono Red Goblins v.1 - 12.10.18
sta Mono White Weenie
mod Mono-Black Aggro
mod Mono-Black Gateway (Saff)
mod Mono-Black Monument (Saff)
sta Mono-Blue Favorable Winds
sta Mono-Blue Mill
sta Mono-Blue Naban Wizards
sta Mono-Blue Tempo
mod Mono-Green Monument (Saff)
mod Mono-Red after ban
sta Mono-Red Aggro
mod Mono-Red Aggro (Saff)
mod Mono-Red Aggro v.1 - 26.01.18
mod Mono-Red Aggro v.1.1 - 16.03.18
mod Mono-Red Dinosaur
mod Mono-Red Goblins
sta Mono-Red Goblins
leg Mono-Red Hollow One (Seff)
sta Mono-Red Midrange
mod Mono-White Ascend
mod Monored Pirates Rivals Upd
mod Muldrotha, the Gravetide
vin Muldrotha, the Gravetide v.1 - 29.09.19 (Commander)
mod Naya Dinosaur (Dev)
sta Naya Monsters v.1 - 07.09.18
mod Non-Budget Temur Miracle Grow
com Obuun, Mul Daya Ancestor (Commander) v.1 - 07.02.21
com Omnath, Locus of Creation (Commander) v.2 - 11.06.22
com Omnath, Locus of Creation (Commander) v.2.1 - 03.07.22
com Omnath, Locus of Creation (Commander) v.2.2 - 19.04.23
mod Orzhov
mod Pirate Aggro
mod Pirater Brawl
sta Pirater v.1 - 02.10.17
mod Pirates Brawl
sta Prodigy
sta Purple People
sta QuasidupliDrake (MTGGoldfish)
com Queen Marchesa (Commander) v.1 - 23.05.20
mod R/B Artifacts
mod R/B Pirates (Saff)
mod R/G Dinosaur Rivals upd
mod R/G Dinosaur v.1.1 - 11.11.17
mod R/G Energy (10.04.18)
mod R/W Aggro (v.1 28.09.17)
mod R/W Aggro (v.1.2 29.11.17)
mod R/W Aggro Zombies
mod R/W Deserts
mod Racing Dwarf's (v1 05.08.17)
sta Rainbow Lich Upd
sta Rainbow Lich Upd 2
mod Rakdos
sta Rakdos Aggro (Channel Fireball)
sta Rakdos Aggro v.1 - 30.01.19
sta Rakdos Aggro v.1.1 - 10.02.19
sta Rakdos Aggro v.1.2 - 28.06.19
sta Rakdos Aristocrats
sta Rakdos Aristocrats v.1 - 07.06.19
sta Rakdos Aristocrats v.1.1 - 15.07.19
sta Rakdos Aristocrats v.1.2 - 17.07.19
sta Rakdos Midrange
leg Rakdos Punisher (EDH / Commander)
vin Rakdos the Scumbag
mod Ramunap Red-Black
sta Red Deck Wins
mod Red Deck Wins v.1 - 04.01.17
sta Red Deck Wins v.1 - 12.10.18
sta Red Deck Wins v.1.1 - 26.10.18
sta Red Deck Wins v.2.2 - 19.12.18
mod Red Goblins v.1 - 09.10.18
sta Red Goblins v.2 - 09.10.18
sta Red Goblins v.3 - 26.10.18
sta Red Goblins v.3.1 - 07.11.18
mod Revolt Treasure Ramp (Saff)
com Satya
mod Second Sun Control
mod Second Sun Control
sta Seeking Victory
mod Selesnya
sta Selesnya Tokens
mod Simic
sta Simic Merfolk (Saff)
sta Simic Ramp
mod Sisay's Legacy (Commander) v.1 - 06.11.18
leg Sisay's Legacy (Commander) v.2 - 07.01.19
leg Sisay's Legacy (Commander) v.2.1 - 12.01.19
leg Sisay's Legacy (Commander) v.2.2 - 16.01.19
leg Sisay's Legacy (Commander) v.3 - 07.02.19
mod Sisay's Legacy v.1 - 23.03.18
mod Sisay's Legacy v.1.1 - 15.08.18
mod Sisay's Legacy v.1.2 - 08.10.18
com Skeleton Ship
mod Sorin & Revival//Revenge (Oathbreaker) v.1 - 28.05.19
mod Steam-Kin 8-Whack (Corbin Hosler)
mod Temur Dinos
mod Temur Miracle Grow - UR Prowess (Saff)
sta Teysa Karlov (Brawl) v.1 - 26.02.19
sta The Scarab God (Commander)
com The Scarab God (Commander) v.1 - 11.12.21
com The Scarab God (Commander) v.1.1 - 04.07.22
mod Theros Block Cube
mod Theros Block Cube (Pauper)
mod Theros Block Cube (Peasant)
sta Thousand-Year Storm Combo
mod U/B Pirates
sta U/B Pirates (test)
mod U/G Merfolk (Dev)
mod U/G Merfolk (RIX, SBMTG) - 20.01.18
mod U/G Merfolk (Saff)
mod U/G Merfolk Explore v.1 - 16.02.18
mod U/G Merfolk Explore v.1.1 - 29.04.18
mod U/G Merfolk Explore v.1.2 - 01.06.18
mod U/G Merfolk Token v.2.2 - 09.02.18
mod U/G Merfolk v.1 - 29.11.17
mod U/G Merfolk v.2 - 21.01.18
mod U/G Merfolk v.2.1 - 03.02.18
mod U/G Pummeler (24.02.18)
mod U/R Counterburn v.1 23.10.17
mod U/R Curious Auras (Dev)
sta U/R Wizards v.1 - 25.05.18
mod U/R Wizards v.1 - 27.06.18
mod U/R Wizards v.1.1 - 11.07.18
mod U/W Control v.1 - 21.09.18
mod Ultra-Budget Temur Miracle Grow
com Urza, Chief Artificer (Commander) v.1 - 29.11.22
com Urza, Chief Artificer (Commander) v.1.1 - 11.02.24
com Urza, Chief Artificer Precon
sta UW Mill (MTGGoldfish)
mod Vampires after ban
mod Vampires Rivals upd
mod Vampyrer v.1 - 02.10.17
mod Vehicle Rush
mod Vehicle Rush
com Veyran, Voice of Duality v.1 - 16.09.23
leg Vial Smasher the Fierce (Commander) Alpha - 07.05.19
leg Vial Smasher the Fierce (Commander) v.1 - 04.06.19
leg Vorel of the Hull Clade (Commander) v.1 - 18.02.19
leg Vorel of the Hull Clade (Commander) v.1.1 - 13.03.19
vin Vorel of the Hull Clade (Commander) v.1.2 - 25.03.19
vin Vorel of the Hull Clade (Commander) v.1.3 - 02.07.19
mod W/B Tokens
mod W/B Vampire
mod W/B Vampire v.1.1 - 11.11.17
mod W/B Vampire v.1.2 - 25.11.17
mod W/B Vampire v.2 - 02.02.18
mod W/B Vampires
mod W/B Vampires (Dev)
mod W/B Vampires (RIX, SBMTG) - 20.01.18
mod W/B Vampires (Saff)
mod W/G Aggro
mod W/U Flying (v.1 16.10.17)
mod Wizard
1. Ideer
0. Starter/Intr ...
1. Standard
2. Modern
mod "Rat deck"
leg B/R Hollow One (Seff)
leg Bridgevine
mod Budget Elves
mod Budget Jeskai Flying Men
mod Combo Elves (Saff)
mod Death's Shadow Aggro
leg Dirty Kitty
mod G/R Monsters
mod G/W/U Bogles
mod Gerry Thompson: Mono-Black Zombies
mod Grixis Death's Shadow
mod Infinite Goblins! (1072 Damage, turn 4)
mod Izzet Wizards (Corbin Hosler)
mod Jeskai Flying Men
mod Living End
mod Mardu Burn - 09.12.17
mod Mass Production v.Alpha
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolk
mod Merfolks
mod Mono-Blue Tron
mod Mono-Green Devotion (Saff)
leg Mono-Red Hollow One
mod Mono-Red Squee Prison (Corbin Hosler)
leg Mono-Red Token Storm
leg Mono-Red Token Storm (Corbin Hosler)
mod Mono-White Servos
mod NIB's Burn
mod One Goldfish to Rule them ALL
leg Rakdos Fireherd Devotion
mod Red Prison
leg Runaway Red
mod Soul Cats
mod Suicide Black Budget
mod Swiftspear Stampede
mod Thunderous Wizards (Modern)
mod Ultra-Budget Jeskai Flying Men
leg Ultra-Budget Mono-Red Hollow One (Seff)
3. Legacy
4. Vintage
5. Pauper
pau Alex Ullman’s Goblins (Pauper)
leg Bant Build Up! v.1 - 21.11.17
leg Boros Bully
leg Boros Monarch
leg Boros Monarch
leg BR Reanimator Pauper
leg Burn
leg Burn v.1 - 31.10.17
leg Eldrazi Reanimator
leg Elves v.1 - 31.10.17
leg Energy
leg Familiar Storm
mod G/R Sun Crowned Hunters
leg G/W Slivers
leg Goblins
pau Goblins Pauper
vin Izzet Blitz (Pauper)
leg Izzet Drake
leg Izzet Drake (Pauper)
leg Kuldotha Tokens
sta Merfolk
leg Mono Black Control
leg Mono Black Control
leg Mono Black Rat Attack
leg Mono-Black Control
leg Mono-Black Land Destruction
mod Monoblack Aggro
mod Monored Artifacts
mod Monowhite Aggro
sta Pirates
pau Red Deck Wins Pauper
leg Sliver
vin Teste pauper
vin Teste pauper
leg Teste pauper
leg Teste pauper
leg Teste pauper
vin Turbo Fog
vin TurboMill
mod U/B Control
leg U/G Elves
leg Zombies Pauper
6. Peasant
7. Frontier
Budget av etablerte
com Athreos, God of Passage (Commander)
leg Azorius Commander
sta Brago, King Eternal
leg Commander Deck (Burn) - Zurgo
sta Counter Token Commander
vin Gishath, Sun's Avatar
vin Goblins are made to be broken
vin Grenzo, Dungeon Warden (Commander)
com Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain
vin JLK's Emmara l Game Knights #21
vin Krenko, Mob Boss v.1 - 25.11.17
vin Krenko's Mob
com Madder Lake
vin Melek, Izzet Paragon (Budget Commander)
leg Nath of the Gilt-Leaf (Budget Commander)
vin One Thousand Years of Ramos (Commander)
vin Purphoros, God of the Forge
com Samut, Voice of Dissent
vin Selesnya Commander
vin Selesnya Commander
vin Selesnya Commander (GameKnights)
vin Simic Commander
vin Simic Commander central
leg Simic Commander Tempo
vin Simic Superfriends
vin Simic Vorel
vin Swell the Host
vin The Real Epic Experiment
vin Voracious Vorel
vin Zo-Zu The Punisher (Commander, TCC)
vin Zo-Zu, the Punisher
2. Utvikling
0. Starter/Intro
1. Standard
2. Modern
mod 8 Rack Budget
mod Competativ Modern Merfolk pr 1. April
leg Dredge
mod Dredge 14.09.20
mod Goblin 8 Whack v.1.1 - 06.06.19
mod Goblin Aggro
mod Goblins v.1.2
leg Metallurgic Drakes (MTGGoldFish)
mod Modern Merfolk
leg Mono-Red Hollow One
mod Naya Burn
mod Rakdos Goblins
sta Rakdos Goblins
mod Rakdos Goblins (Modern)
leg Red Keld
sta Tron 24.09.20
3. Legacy
leg Burn
leg Burn - Legacy
leg Goblins
4. Vintage
5. Pauper
pau Astro Bogles (Pauper)
leg Bogles Pauper
vin Dimir Delver (Pauper)
leg Pauper Bogles
leg U/G Bogles
6. Peasant
7. Frontier
3. Mine deck
0. Starter decks
1. Standard
2. Pioneer
3. Modern
4. Legacy
5. Vintage
vin Goblin deck
6. Pauper
7. Peasant
8. Frontier
com Admiral Beckett Brass (Commander) v.1.2 - 03.07.22
com Atraxa, Praetors' Voice (Commander) v.1 - 14.02.23
com Chulane, Teller of Tales (Commander) v.1.5 - 12.11.23
com Dr. Madison Li (Commander) v.1 - 17.08.24
com Fynn
com Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter (Commander) v.1 - 02.10.22
com Kitt Kanto, Mayhem Diva
com Korvold, Fae-Cursed King (Commander) v.1 - 06.02.21
com Krenko, Mob Boss (Commander) v.1.1 - 03.10.23
com Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (Commander) v.1.2.2 - 28.01.24
com Lathril, Blade of the Elves (Commander) v.1.4 - 19.02.23
com Mathas, Fiend Seeker (Commander) v.1 - 06.08.23
com Omnath, Locus of Creation (Commander) v.2.2.1 - 12.11.23
com Sneak Attack Precon
com The Scarab God (Commander) v.1.2 - 20.10.22
com Urza, Chief Artificer (Commander) v.1.1.1 - 19.08.24
com Veyran, Voice of Duality v.1.1 - 29.01.24
com Vial Smasher the Fierce (Commander) v.1.1 - 06.06.19
com Wyll, Blade of Frontiers (Commander) v1 - 01.01.23
com Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder (Commander) v.1.3 - 04.07.22 - Entropic Uprising pre-con
Konkurranse deck
Rumble Box (20-deck)
sta Archaeology 4
oth B Ixalan Vampire
sta DEVILISH (1)
sta G Ixalan Dinosaur
oth G Ixalan Merfolk
sta LANDS (2)
sta LEGION 4
oth R Kaladesh Energy
sta ROGUES (1)
sta SPIRITS (1)
sta SPIRITS (2)
sta W Angel
sta W Kaladesh Vehicle
sta Well-Read 3
Block decks
Amonkhet block
Dominaria block
Ixalan block
Kaladesh block
mod Theros block - Mono black midrange
mod Theros Block - Mono red Aggro
mod Burn v.2 - 18.08.22
mod Dark Burn
sta Burn Pauper
sta Boros Burn
sta RDW Pioneer
Modern testdecks
mod Boros Energy
mod Dimir Murktide
mod Ruby Storm
mod Samwise Gamgee Combo
MTG Arena
Arena Historic
sta BO1 Bogles v.1
sta BO1 Burn v.1
his BO1 Soul Sisters v.1
sta BO1 Soul Sisters v.1.1
Guilds of Ravnica Std
sta Mono-Black Aggro
sta Mono-Blue Tempo
sta Mono-Green Elfball
sta Mono-Red Aggro
sta Mono-White Weenie
Intro decks (GRN STD)
sta Arcane Inventions
sta Artifacts Attack
sta Auras of Majesty
sta Chaos and Mayhem
sta Dragon's Fire
sta Eternal Thirst
sta Forest's Might
sta Graveyard Bash
sta Jungle Secrets
sta Primal Fury
sta Saproling Swarm
sta Strength in Numbers
sta Tactical Assault
sta Walk the Plank
sta Wrath of Mages
Intro decks (KLD STD)
sta Current Occupants
sta Gaining Ground
sta History Lesson
sta Kicking and Screaming
sta Scurvy Dogs
sta Seeking Victory
sta Strength in Numbers
sta Suit Up
sta Tolarian Tactics
sta Under Control
Ravnica Allegiance Std
sta Rakdos Midrange
sta Forest's Might w/ Black
sta Jungle Secrets V3
sta Rainbow Lich
sta Selesnya Convoke
sta U/W Control v.1.1 - 10.10.18
Rumble in the Box: Tribal Trouble
oth Commander - 01.03.20
sta Commander - 25.10.20
mod Modern - 01.03.20
sta Modern - 25.10.20
pau Pauper - 01.03.20
sta Pauper - 25.10.20
pio Pioneer - 01.03.20
sta Pioneer - 25.10.20
sta M20
sta Theros Beyond Death
pio 12.05 Greasefang
pio 12.05 Monogreen devotion
sta 5c commander
sta Angels
sta Arena Cube > Kaldheim
sta Atla Palani
com Atraxa Energy
sta BRW Spellslingers
mod Burn (Izzet Aggro)
com Coby: INFECT (Commander)
vin Commons å ta vare på
com Corrupting Influence
com Edgar Markov (Commander) - Vampire Tribal
com Edgar, Charmed Groom (Commander) - Vampire Tribal
com Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald
sta Jund Rigging
com Light-Paws
mod Modern Burn/RDW sideboard
mod Mono Black Burn
mod Monored 8Blasts
sta MonoS Discard
com Narset
com Orzhov Lifegain
pio Pioneer - Mono White devotion
pio Pioneer Burn
pio Pioneer Elves
pio Pioneer Selesnya Aura
sta pod
sta Reserved List
com Shattergang Brothers
com Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
sta spellsliknger
sta The Pauper Cube (450 Card Pauper Vintage Cube)
vin The Vintage Pauper Cube (Adam Stybowski)
leg Uncommons å ta vare på
Avg. CMC 1.82 |
Card Color Breakdown |
Card Type Breakdown |
![]() |
Name ![]() |
Edition | $ | Type | Cost | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rarity | Color | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Creature (31) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Ahn-Crop Crasher
![]() |
$0.06 | Creature - Minotaur Warrior | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Bomat Courier
![]() |
$0.16 | Artifact Creature - Construct | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Daring Buccaneer
![]() |
$0.08 | Creature - Human Pirate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 |
Dire Fleet Daredevil
![]() |
$0.29 | Creature - Human Pirate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Earthshaker Khenra
![]() |
$0.16 | Creature - Jackal Warrior | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Fanatical Firebrand
![]() |
$0.11 | Creature - Goblin Pirate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Hazoret the Fervent
![]() |
$0.78 | Legendary Creature - God | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 |
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider
![]() |
$0.22 | Legendary Creature - Human Pirate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Rigging Runner
![]() |
$0.07 | Creature - Goblin Pirate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Instant (8) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
Lightning Strike
![]() |
$0.18 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 |
![]() |
$0.05 | Instant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Land (21) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
21 |
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$0.10 | Basic Land - Mountain |
Sideboard - 0 cards, 0 distinct
No cards here. :(
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