MRJPIE's profile
- MTG DECKS (62)
Commander build
com Don Andres
com Gishath, Sun's Avatar
com Judith, Carnage Conaisseur
com Lyra Dawnbringer
com Marisi, breaker of the coil
com The Mindskinner
Commander Decks
com Abaddon the Despoiler
com Atraxa, praetors' voice (+1 counters)
com Atraxa, praetors' voice (poison)
com Azlask, the swelling scourge
com Balthor
com blueblack ding maken voor de fun
com carth the lion
com Chatterfang
com Chevill
com Chulane
com Colfenor
com Disa the Restless
com Gonti, Lord of Luxury
com Greasefang
com Hamza
com Hinata, Dawn-Crowned
com Imotekh the Stormlord
com Isshin, Two heavens as one
com Kona, rescue beastie
com Lathril, Blade of Elves
com Light Paws
com Magus Lucea Kane
com Marneus Calgar
com Massacre girl
com Nalia de'Arnise
com Nekusar, the Mindrazer
com Oloro
com Omnath
com Sakashima
com Satoru Umezawa
com Sauron, the dark lord
com Selvala, Heart of the Wilds
com Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
com sigarda angel tribal
com Sigarda Voltron
com Slicer, Hired Muscle
com Tatsunari, Toad Rider
com The Raven Man
com The Ur-Dragon
com Thraximundar
com volo, guide to monsters
com Xanathar, Guild Kingpin
com Yuriko
com Zombiesssss
com Zurgo Helmsmasher
sta Affinity pauper
sta B pauper
sta burn pauper
pau Dimir faeries pauper
pau izzet skred pauper
pau Pauper grixis affinity
pau Pauper rogue
leg pauper WB pestilence
com test 1
sta test 2
sta tymna